Construction and demolition crews working near aquatic environments must be aware of the potential environmental harm that may result from their work. Construction zones near water such as bridge work, often creates lose sediment in the water known as silt. Depending on the location, this silt can be harmful to the ecosystem if left alone. Because of this, crews may implement silt curtains to control the spread of silt.
Silt curtains consist of a floating boom and a flexible fabric skirt that extends to the bottom of the body of water. A silt curtain works as a barrier collecting and containing loose sediment, allowing it to settle. Though similar to an oil containment boom, a silt curtain skirt is much longer as suspended silt may be found in any depth of water. Left untreated, murky water created by suspended silt blocks sunlight for plants, as well as increases stress and mortality rates in fish and other waterdwelling animals. Silt curtains prevent harm to the flora and fauna, as well as their habitat and future generations.
Silt curtains are useful tools in almost any water environment. There are three groups of silt curtains, named type I, type II and type III, with I being the lightest and III the most heavy-duty silt curtain. Qualified ACME professions will analyze a variety of factors such as water flow speed, waves, wind, and project type and duration, to help you to decide which silt curtain is needed for your project.