ACME Environmental: National Response, Regional Focus
On-Site Management
ACME works across the country, ready to deploy anywhere we’re needed, whether in the immediate four-state area near our corporate headquarters, or two time zones away.
Our ACME response team is ready to deploy any time of the day or night, and will bring all the proper manpower, equipment consumables and support to ensure that a proper and professional spill response is accomplished.
We have solid stand-by relationships with experienced contractors in locations around the country, supporting oil and gas companies, cleanup specialists, refineries, and federal, state, and local government, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Oil Spill Cleanup
Since the inception of the Coast Guard OSRO program, ACME has supported numerous customers as their OSRO for oil spill response. The company has completed oil spill cleanup hundreds of times in the past 20 years and our customer list includes major oil and gas companies, midstream pipeline companies, utility companies, municipalities, state and local governments and independent oil and gas producers.
ACME keeps on hand oil spill containment boom, drum skimmers, spill trailers, pumps and everything needed to support our customers for oil spill cleanup both on a scheduled and emergency response basis. We are always available via a 24/7/365 manned phone number (1-855- 563-2666). ACME has had personnel or equipment on most all major oil spills to include the Exxon Valdez, BP Gulf Oil Spill, Amoco Cadiz and the Bay of Campeche. ACME capabilities and equipment listings are available by request.
Oil Spill Containment
For over 40 years, ACME has been a leader in response to oil spills and the containment of those spills. ACME has utilized the latest technologies and techniques in containing hydrocarbon spill of all types. Based on the characteristics of the spill, ACME has utilized various products and techniques to contain spills. The containment may utilize oil spill containment boom, sorbent boom and pads or mechanical techniques like skimmers, pumps, vacuum trucks, and boats. Location, body of water type, current, wind, hydrocarbon type, tidal action and weather conditions all play an important role in techniques used to contain oil. A spill may only require a minor application of particulate or sorbents or entail thousands of feet of boom, skimmers, sorbents and various form of equipment. Regardless of spill characteristics or conditions, ACME’s 40 years of experience provides our customers with the expertise to clean up any spill.