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Project Management and Safety

ACME Environmental is a leader in the emergency response and soil remediation industries. ACME provides turnkey services to manage emergency response situations from the initial call through the final site restoration. ACME’s project managers and team strive to meet our clients’ needs through balancing the three basic components of a project: scope, budget and schedule. Since ACME’s founding in 1976, ACME has been an integral part in the Oklahoma environmental industry.

ACME’s project management skills set it apart from the competition. ACME consistently solves customer’s problems in the most cost efficient way possible. With safety its highest priority, ACME completes the job on time in a safe manner. All field personnel are expertly trained in the handling of site containments to ensure worker safety. Each job is viewed as a unique problem that can be solved in a variety of ways. Once ACME is on the job, our team can handle the project from identification of the contaminant all the way through restoration and disposal.


ACME’s remediation team has experience with hydrocarbon and brine spills on soil. ACME has the capabilities to offer the following solutions:

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Ex-situ Chemical Oxidation with Mobile Remediation Unit

ACME utilizes a mobile remediation unit to treat contaminated soil onsite by chemically oxidizing petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a liquid amendment delivered by a dual spray system. Depending on soil conditions, the unit can process 60-100 cubic yards of material per hour. In the event material segregation or additional aeration of the material is required, the unit is equipped with a 6′ diameter by 21′ long trommel.

This process has many advantages over more traditional forms of remediation including an incredibly reduced carbon footprint and zero landfill contribution. For customers looking to meet ES&G goals in their projects, Ex-Situ is a successfully proven process that not only clears the site faster, but there’s no landfill manifest to keep track of and zero chance for invasive species that can be brought in from using outside soil to fill a previously contaminated site. 

ACME has successfully remediated soil types affected with a wide range of petroleum hydrocarbons including gasoline, diesel, condensate and lube oil. Other chemicals of concern are addressed by ACME including chloride and amines.

ACME has taken the additional step in offering a more aggressive remedial unit equipped with an internal spray system capable of delivering various remedial additives/chemicals to assist with the remediation process. ACME utilizes a proprietary solution to assist with impacted soils. The proprietary solution is sprayed onto the treated soil, which is subsequently stockpiled pending laboratory analysis. ACME’s chemical oxidation method is recognized by the multiple regulatory agencies including by not limited to EPA, WDEQ, WOGCC, CDPHE, KDGE, ODEQ, OCC, TCEQ, and TRRC.

Learn more about Ex-Situ Chemical Oxidation and how it can help your team achieve your ESG goals here.