Turbidity curtain/barriers are used in dredging, marine construction, and environmental remediation projects to control the sediment and silt in a body of water.
Federal and state regulations require that turbidity and sediment be controlled, and the Clean Water Act and the NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) require that federal and state agencies enforce these laws. The most efficient method of compliance is through the use of floating turbidity screens or curtain/barrier.
ACME custom manufactures two different types of turbidity and silt curtains; solid fabric skirt and filter screen skirt. Solid fabric skirts do not allow water to flow through the skirt while filter screen skirts allow for water to flow through the skirt while collecting all of the silt. The bottom of the curtain should be above the bottom of the water body to allow for water and animal movement. Manufacturing silt curtains to customers’ specifications creates a reliable method of controlling silt and sediment in the water. ACME curtains are used at pipeline crossing construction sites, marine construction and demolition sites, discharge locations and home construction sites, and in dredging operations and remediation projects.
All turbidity curtain/barriers are custom made to meet specific depth requirements, water conditions, and project needs. Customization helps keep companies in compliance with federal and state regulations.