DOT Curtain Types

Not Sure What Type You Need? We Can Help! ACME Environmental has over 55 years of experience in manufacturing oil spill containment boom and all of our team members would be happy to answer your questions. Let us help you find the perfect size and length of containment boom to fit your needs.

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Federal and state regulations require that turbidity and sediment be controlled. Because of this, the Clean Water Act and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NDPES) require that federal and state agencies enforce these laws. The most efficient method of compliance for these regulations is through the use of floating turbidity/silt curtains.

The DOT has three specific types of curtains required for different situations. ACME Environmental custom-manufactures all three types to create a reliable method of controlling silt and sediment. Our curtains are used at construction sites, discharge locations, dredging operations, and remediation projects.